Day 4

Killybegs to Killala

Today: 203 km & 1,902 m elevation
Running total: 815 km & 9,186 m elevation

Having gone to sleep just in my cycling clothes I awoke a couple hours later when my body’s need for warmth overtook it’s need for rest. I fumbled around and put on some leg warmers and a second gilet. Will add woolly hat to the list of things to bring bivvying next time. I do have a merino buff with me so that’s a good substitute. Slept reasonably well and decided to get up earlyish as my bivvy spot was quite exposed to passing traffic and I just wanted to get on.

I cycled on for a bit on main roads with little scenery. I had a few bits of food with me but was really hoping for a hot drink. I saw a Texaco garage open and popped in. It was brilliant! I loaded up with proper porridge with honey and cinnamon, and got a baguette made with egg and salad for later, a coffee and some fruit. I ate it all except the fruit which I had later in the day before a hill climb. Joshua came by. He’d had an awful night getting bitten by midges. I was so glad I’d brought a midge head net… A last-minute addition after reviewing other people’s pack lists.

I cycled through nice countryside then up past a really interesting giant geological bowl. A bit too much climbing for my tired knees so progress was slow. Would like to have hiked this area.

A bit more cycling.. paid a quick visit to Yeat’s grave then feeling peckish I popped into a fast-food place called ‘supermac’s’. Very happy to see a veggie burger on the menu I ordered a large meal. I can honestly say it the best veggie burger I’ve ever had hands-down. Didn’t get a photo of the burger itseld as too busy eating it. Would consider visiting Sligo again just to visit this place. Hoping it’s a chain restaurant so I can try it again on this trip.

I then looked at the time and route and booked a b&b somewhere that would give me a decent days mileage. I picked one that I could just make it to before last check-in to give me some motivation to cycle fast. If I cycled fast (for a loaded bike) for 5 hours I’d make it in time.

On the way I passed through Easky. Had a really nice feeling to it. Added to my places to visit properly. 

When I arrived at the b&b I see another TAW competitors bike in the lounge. 7am is too early for the owners to make breakfast, so I traded my breakfast for beer and crisps :)

My room had two radiators that I can control, so I’ve done my laundry :)

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