Day 11 : Lumpy ending

Up early for coffee and porridge and the sun came out.

Porridge, sunny side up

It’s a great campsite. Small and with everything that’s needed. Recommended! It even comes with a library in a phone box:

Tiny library

Today’s roads were again mainly following rivers. Quite a few towpath-like surfaces today to keep things interesting.

Had lunch at a place called The Orangery just after passing through Kassel.

Lunch with a view

The sky gives you an indication of the weather! More showers, but nothing that lasted long. And just lots of nice cycling by the riverside.

View over the river

Many buildings around here are in this timber-framed style:

Fancy timber work

An egg-vending machine. Just in case you fancy an egg in the middle of the night. In case you are wondering, the shelf rises up to the level of the eggs, rather than the eggs being dropped to the bottom..

Eggstraordinary vending machine

This railway bridge was really big in real life:

An excuse to try a panorama

By the time I reached where I thought I was going to stay the night, Rotenburg, I didn’t really like the look of the campingsite (I couldn’t see a safe place for my bike), so I decided to look elsewhere. The cheapest hotel I could find was £50 and it didn’t look great, so I looked further afield and found a much cheaper one Inc breakfast in a nearby town.

I let my satnav pick my route which was a mistake as it took me up a very long steep hill with many turns. It was a quiet road, but after I had been pedalling up for 30 years minutes I saw a man walking along the road. He had filled a large basket mushroom picking and offered me some. He explained this hill is used every year for a car hill climb event.

When I reached the top I put on my jacket and gilet and began the descent – which was fun!

Lumpy ending

In another 20 km I had reached the town and my hotel at around 8.30pm. I went out for a walk around the town and found an Italian restaurant open where I replaced those lost calories.

Two of my USB cables aren’t working properly which is making charging my devices very difficult. Will have a look around the town tomorrow to see if I can find replacements.

Hemeln to Bad Hersfeld, 141 km. Total so far 957 km.

2 thoughts on “Day 11 : Lumpy ending”

    • I don’t like wearing a heart rate strap since it has the same effect as a push-up bra on my um pecs.. Rest assured the heart rate line would closely follow the curve of the elevation. I’ve got very good at apologising for not speaking German and think I can now trounce anyone at charades.


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