Breakfast was a croissant and a coffee at the hotel, then back on the road.
Another easy day’s cycling, the majority of it on traffic free roads.
Lunch at Amboise:

Someone likes collecting enamelled tin tea pots:

There are a lot of these water towers about. I quite like them.

Lots more cycling by the Loire..

This is a photo of a French fighter jet

Lots more vineyards. Also seeing a lot of sunflower fields, but they’re passed their prime now and look a little sad.

Tours is a big town. Not too photogenic. I picked up a sandwich whilst there.

Another French car for the collection.

My first choice of campsite was closed, so I went to the municipal campsite in Langeais instead. After pitching the tent I cycled into town and found a pizza restaurant open. They had the normal 4 cheese pizza on the menu, but also a 6 cheese one, so I had to try that. Needless to say I didn’t want to see the cheese board after that.

Then back to the campsite to bed.

Blois to Langeais, 110 km. Total so far = 3,209 km.